How to Create a Decimal Series in Power BI with GenerateSeries()

If you are working with decimal values in Power BI, you may need to create a decimal series of numbers. The GenerateSeries() function offers this possibility.

The GenerateSeries() is a DAX function that generates a series of values based on specified start, end, and step values. While this function is commonly used to create a series of whole numbers, it can also generate a series of decimal values.

In this article, I will explain the steps through which you can use the GenerateSeries() function to create decimal values in Power BI.

Read to find out.

What is the GenerateSeries() Function?

The GenerateSeries() function in Power BI is a powerful function that allows you to create a series of numbers based on a specified range and increment.

The GenerateSeries() function can be used for different purposes, including creating decimal series.

By understanding how to use GenerateSeries() for decimal values, you can easily create the series you need for your Power BI project.

Determine the Start and End Values for your Decimal Series

The first step to creating a decimal series in Power BI with GenerateSeries() is to determine the start and end values for your series.

For example, if you want to create a series of decimal values from 0.1 to 1.0, your start value would be 0.1 and your end value would be 1.0.

NB: You must specify the start and end values as decimal values for the function to work properly.

Specify the Increment Value for your Series

Once you determine the start and end values for the series, the next step is to specify the increment value. This increment value determines the difference between each value in the series.

For example, if you want to create a series of decimal values with an increment of 0.5, each value in the series would be 0.5 greater than the previous value.

NB: Simply add it as the third argument in the GenerateSeries() function to specify the increment value.

Use the GenerateSeries() Function in Power BI

To use GenerateSeries() for decimal values, open a new or existing report in Power BI. Then create a new measure by clicking on “New measure” in the “Modeling” tab.

In the formula bar, enter the following formula to create a series of decimal values:

Decimal_Series = GENERATESERIES(0.5, 5.5, 0.5)

In this formula, the first argument (0.5) represents the starting value of the series. The second argument (5.5) represents the ending value of the series. While the third argument (0.5) represents the step value between each value in the series.

After that, press Enter to create the measure, and it will appear in the “Fields” pane. Drag and drop the measure into a visual like a table or chart, to display the decimal values.


What are the maximum and minimum values that can be used with GenerateSeries() for decimal values in Power BI?

The maximum and minimum values that can be used with GenerateSeries() for decimal values in Power BI depend on the data type of the column that will hold the values.

However, the general maximum and minimum values for decimal data types in Power BI are 38 and -38, respectively.

Are there any limitations to using GenerateSeries() for decimal values in Power BI?

The limitation of using GenerateSeries() for decimal values in Power BI is that it requires creating a measure, which can impact performance if used excessively.


Using GenerateSeries() to create a series of decimal values in Power BI is a straightforward process.

By specifying the start, end, and step values for the series, you can easily generate a series of decimal values that perfectly suits your data and your visualization needs.

I hope you understood these steps. You can also read how to use boolean logic in Power BI to look up values.

Thanks for reading!