Generally, bookmarks in Power BI are a way to save a specific view or configuration of a report, so that you can easily return to it later. But do you know how to apply bookmarks to multiple pages in power bi?
For instance, you might create a bookmark for a report that is filtered a certain way, or for a report that has a particular visualization highlighted. Bookmarks allow you to quickly switch different views of your data without having to adjust the filters each time manually.
In this article, I will explain how you can create and apply bookmarks to multiple pages in Power BI Desktop.
Read to learn more.
The first thing to do is to go to the View tab and select Bookmarks. This process will add the Bookmarks pane to your Power BI Desktop (as you can see below).
Now, to apply bookmarks to multiple pages in Power BI, go to the first page you want to bookmark and click on Add on the Bookmarks pane which is on the right side of the report canvas. Then rename the new bookmark to any name of your choice.
Here is mine (I renamed my first bookmark to Total Revenue).
After this, go to the next page, and click on Add again to create another bookmark for the page. You can rename it by right-clicking the bookmark and selecting Rename. (Repeat this exact process for all the pages you want to bookmark).
I bookmarked and renamed Pages 1 – 4 as displayed below
Conclusion: How to Apply Bookmarks to Multiple Pages in Power BI
When you are done, you can then apply the bookmark by clicking on each Bookmark. This will take you to the first page of the bookmark.
Finally, keep in mind that bookmarks are not applied to the entire report, but only to the pages that are included in the bookmark.
However, you can create multiple bookmarks for different sets of pages, and switch between them using the Bookmarks pane.
I hope you understand these steps.
Thank you for reading!